When the thought of getting back into it feels like too much.

16 weeks to meet yourself exactly where you’re at and work on your fitness with ZERO pressure, judgement, sense of urgency, or extreme measures.


The Anti Fitness Challenge

I was a mess.

Most of 2023, I was going through a hard ass time.

Instead of sitting with it and processing my feelings in a healthy way, I was CRUSHING food, and drinking like a frat boy.

I wasn’t working out.

I dreaded the thought of it.

Especially the ways I had done it before.

Slinging kettlebells, and doing pull-ups, and sprints, and workouts for time might as well have been going to get a root canal.

I couldn’t bring myself to muster up the mental and emotional energy to do it, so I didn’t do anything. In a land of all-or-nothing, I was nothing-ing really hard. 

How I spent most days.

Yes I was drinking in the shower, but at least I was showering, right?!

I knew I couldn’t continue on that path because I was getting more depressed by the day, not moving my body and not eating anything that resembled life on the planet for months at a time.

But I knew I didn’t have it in me to do what I’ve always done. I felt like I was using every bit of strength to keep my mental and emotional stability in check, and the thought of going to the gym and having to be physically stable was too much

I didn’t want to have to hold myself in a plank and stabilize to do a push up. I wanted to lay down on a bench and have the bench be stable and push the weights away from me. I knew I could do that. 

I didn’t have it in me to stand up and hold heavy weights and stabilize while I was squatting. But I knew I could lay down and push my feet away from me on a leg press. 

So, slowly but surely, I showed up and sat my ass down and did what I knew I could do day after day. 

And, slowly but surely, I started to feel different and notice changes in my overall well being, energy, and body. 

My goal wasn’t extravagant weight loss. I honestly didn’t have a “goal” at all, other than to do something I knew I could show up and do everyday to get me back into some kind of routine and semblance of normalcy.

As it turns out, just doing what I knew I could do without feeling guilt or holding myself to some unreasonable standard, and not being crazy restrictive in my diet really worked well for me.


First of all, I can’t believe I’m showing you pictures of me in my underwear, but I want you to see how truly gradual it was.

For reference, the first picture was taken October 30th. The last picture was Feb 18th.

The first 9 weeks of my fitness, sitting down, was during the holidays. I still ate everything I wanted in moderation.

You don’t see a significant drop in weight or inches week over week. It’s definitely there, but we’re talking 1/4’s and 1/8th’s of inches.  

And honestly that wasn’t the point! The point was that I was showing the fuck up for myself for the first time in a long time, in a way that was doable in the moment.

I was taking care of myself physically, and the emotional and mental parts started getting cared for as well.

“Okay, okay, I get it. Tell me about Sit Fit.” - you


When: April 8th - July 28th

Where: Online group, individually participating at the gym or in your home

What do I get:

  • Gym and home training templates, as well as on demand fitness classes that range from 10, 20, and 30 minutes

  • Nutrition guidance, information, and support

  • Private FB group

  • Small Accountability Groups (optional)

  • Weekly office hours with Wheels via zoom, to get all of your questions answered in real time. Monthly office hours with Laura Mårtensson for the pre/postnatal mamas.

  • A fucking community because you don’t want to do this alone

Price: $297 or 4 payments of $97/month

(less than the price of 2 personal training sessions with me)


  1. You’ll let go of what you think fitness and food is supposed to look like

  2. You’ll know what works best FOR YOU and have the tools and resources keep going

  3. You’ll have a consistent practice and process that is sustainable

  4. You’ll hopefully have learned to cut yourself some fucking slack and not think so black or white

  5. If you keep showing up, one day at a time, you will 100% experience physical changes

My goal is to help you start from wherever you are, without pressure.

In fact, I DON’T want you to feel like you’re starting a “fitness program.”

I’d love for you to think of this as a way you can slowly but surely start to make fitness part of your day again, with a little help from your friends (cue Joe Cocker), and not make it “a thing” at all. It’s just something you do.

While there will be guidance, education, and suggestions around training sessions and food, you will get to know your body, and you are going to get to CHOOSE what works best for you on what days.

I’m even going to challenge you to incorporate foods you think are “off limits” into your day to day eating patterns.

I WANT you to take vacations, and go to sporting events, and inevitably have sick kids, or get stuck at work late. That’s real life.

We’re not setting aside 16 weeks to get fit and be all-or-nothing. We are literally incorporating doable fitness and food into your daily routine that you don’t have to upheave your life.

Remember, the goal is the doing.

You can’t control the outcome, but you can control the process and your effort.

I’d love for you to join me on April 8th.

I believe in you. I believe you can take your physical, mental, and emotional “fitness” back.

I’ll be there doing it right along side you.

High fives, chapstick, and boobs,



  • You should have basic knowledge of movement and have done some training before. If you’re completely new to training and need a more “eyes on” approach, you can check out and try “Homebody.” They’ll be a great start!

  • There will be multiple tracks offered for those who have gym access and those who don’t. if you have free weights at home, that will be enough to get the ball rolling.

  • I hate diets. They only work while you’re doing them, and most of the time it’s kinda miserable. You know deep down it’s not sustainable, and you bounce back after you stop. Fuck that. We are developing a way of eating that works with YOUR life.

    We are going to work off templates where YOU are filling in the foods you enjoy. And I’m going to challenge you to eat foods you think are “off limits” every. single. day.

  • You’ll be working off templates and on demand classes that DO NOT have specifically scheduled days. That means, on a day to day basis, you can look through the program and find a workout you know you can do that day. A lot of days you might not want to do it, so this gives you the option to, “punch the clock” and get something in without dreading it or feeling like you have to hold yourself to a PR standard. You just have to show up that day and do one set at a time.

  • Since this is a group program, you’ll have access to me via private FB group and open office hours. I won’t be doing any private individual coaching, but I’ll be answering all questions in the FB group, and you’ll have the opportunity to come to my office hours and ask specific questions that I’ll answer face to face with you in real time.

  • YES! Obviously this is Sit Fit for a reason, but if you are already in your fitness and want additional workout templates and nutrition guidance, you can absolutely add this to the mix.

  • Ask away!!! I gotchu.